Angela Jackson Photography | McKinney Family Photographer

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World Breastfeeding Week | Dallas Baby Photographer

The image above is one of my daughter and I over 5 years ago. I still miss that fleeting time that we had together! 

Being a Dallas baby photographer awards me the opportunity to meet moms and babies from all walks of life. Nursing mama's are near and dear to my heart because I get to witness the loving bond that takes place!

One unique thing about me that a lot my clients are pleasantly surprised to learn is that I used to be a lactation consultant. As special as it is, breastfeeding can come with a host of challenges and several years ago I decided I wanted to pursue my passion of helping other mom's meet their own personal nursing goals. I became a Certified Lactation Counselor and loved that season of helping moms and babies overcome obstacles.

Although my own path changed over the years and I chose not to renew my license a few years back, I still enjoy offering encouragement to those that need it! I run a support group on Facebook for nursing moms (which we would LOVE to have you join!) and one of the main topics to come up is that of maintaining the nursing relationship when you work outside the home. Pumping and bottle feeding is the method of choice for many nursing moms when they return to work full or part time. A lot times they are shocked, frustrated and discouraged when it doesn't go like they expected! I saw this topic come up over and over again in our FB Group and decided to write a series with helpful tips and information on how to set yourself (and your baby) up for success! 

If you are a working mom and are struggling at all with your pumping regimen and/or your supply please follow the link below and check out this series! I hope it helps you like has so many other mama's! Happy World Breastfeeding Week! 


If you're interested in having a Dallas baby photographer take nursing pictures of you and your baby (which I highly recommend!) please join my VIP for details. These special Breastfeeding Mini Sessions are being offered through the end of August!