Angela Jackson Photography | McKinney Family Photographer

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Family Photographer | Plano, TX | Shido Family

The Shido Family and I met up on a cold, damp morning in Plano, TX at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. As a family photographer this is one of my favorite locations to shoot in. It has such a woodsy feel that I just love. 

Family pictures and group shots are where I usually start, especially with new clients or those with little ones. It can take kids a bit to warm up to someone new and they typically feel most comfortable starting out with mom and dad (or at least their siblings) close by. 

For this session we had originally planned on a sunrise shoot. We were hoping to catch the lovely golden hour of early morning but mother nature had other plans. We woke up to clouds and heavy rain before it was even light out and considered canceling the session completely. Instead we decided to wait it out and see if the rain slowed up. It did (just enough!) and this actually turned out to be one of my favorite sessions. It was cold out, but all of the sweet snuggles and warm smiles kept everyone going.

In the picture above we had JUST taken a hit from the rain and had to hunker down under umbrella's for a few minutes. I thought we were going to have to call it right then and re-schedule. Luckily, that was the last of the rain that morning and we were able to go through with it! 

I am always in such awe of the amount of energy kids have! These three had so much fun showing me their best tricks and highest jumps. Full of adventure, and imagination, they were such fun to be around! 

Towards the middle of the session we found a little path with plenty of fall foliage. The kids had fun sneaking into this little wooded cubby hole for their solo shots. Look at those smiles, tell me they aren't photogenic! 

Our last stop before we ended the session was this bridge that I really like to shoot on. The little ones were free to take a little break while I grabbed a couple of shots of just mom and dad. They are such a great looking couple!

Our final clicks of the shutter were of everyone's best attempt at looking "tough" for braving the cold. Hardly anyone could keep a straight face, which was incredibly cute and funny! These guys really were troopers for coming out so early in the morning (I may have lured them out with donuts LOL) and toughing out the wet dreary weather. Thanks again Shido Family! 

If you are wondering what a full session with a family photographer is like and live in the Plano, TX area I'd love to talk to you! I have an amazing client guide that explains exactly what my sessions are like (wardrobe tips included!) Hit the button below to inquire about availability!