Angela Jackson Photography | McKinney Family Photographer

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Melissa, TX Family Photographer | Project 365 | Quarter Two

Well, the second quarter of 2018 just flew right on by for this Melissa, TX family photographer! We were pretty busy as a family and I had fun documenting our days. Admittedly I didn't shoot as much personal stuff as I wanted to, but...goals, right? 

Here's the highlight reel and what we've been up to the last few months.  

  • Early summer/late spring we enjoyed the longer days and being able to play outside until sunset. 
  • Once the heat kicked in (which didn't take long!) we took to the water of course. Swimming and splash pads are just about all you can do in these Texas summers. 
  • In May, Noah turned 2 years old (how can it be?!) and we had fun celebrating him, and taking some airplane pictures. 
  • We came to the end of our (almost) 3 years of keeping sweet Anistyn, and the end of many many years nannying. I've always nannied either full or part time and done my photography on the side. We decided at the end of this school year that it was time to go full time with AJP. It's been an exciting transition but was so hard to say goodbye to Anistyn and her family! I became her nanny when she was 7 weeks old. She became like a part of our family-it was hard to say goodbye! We enjoyed our last day together at Playstreet Museum in Allen (go visit if you've never been! SO fun!) 
  • In June we visited our family in Pampa, TX. As always the kids had a blast playing with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I had the honor of photographing two of the most important people in my life: my grandparents. The've been together over 60 years and are such pillars in our family. I loved capturing them with their kids, grandkids, and great grandkids (and some of just the two of them-they were such good sports!) That photo shoot was a team effort for sure and was successful because we all worked together-so much fun!

That wraps up Q2 for our family...I'm gearing up for fall (aka busy season for family photographers) and doing my best to keep up with personal work in the meantime! If you are in the area, and need a photographer in Melissa, TX (or nearby) don't hesitate to reach out, my fall calendar is open for booking!