Angela Jackson Photography | McKinney Family Photographer

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World Breastfeeding Week 2018 | Part Two | McKinney Family Photographer

We're back for part two of the World Breastfeeding Week blog series here at AJP, your McKinney family photographer. 

Today we will hear from 3 more moms as we discuss some of the challenges of breastfeeding. Here's what they have to say about our Question of the day: 

  • Breastfeeding isn’t always easy, what are some challenges that come with this relationship?

Julia (mom of 3) and Caroline (3 months old) 

"I'm the only person in the world that can feed her and she eats every 3 hours, so basically I'm a 24 hour dairy queen and the queen is TIRED!"

Rebecca (mom of 3) nursing Micah (6 months old) 

"With my first child, we had the normal nursing struggles in the first few weeks. We were both learning, so we had to work a bit to get a proper latch. I “natural term” breastfeed my kids, so the challenge with that came with tandem nursing when a new baby arrived. There are always struggles with not having mommy all to yourself anymore. My third baby actually had a very severe tongue tie. He gained a ton of weight, but we decided to get it revised at 11 weeks to help correct all the other issues that come with a tie like that. I’m thankful he was my third and not my first, because I may have given up if that was the case!"

Kelsey (mom of 2) and Gabriel (14 months old) 

"I feel one of the most challenging things about breastfeeding in today’s current society/culture is the time commitment and gift of self it requires. Especially in the beginning, it can feel like all you are doing day and night is nursing and someone is constantly attached and needing you. In today’s society we are used to going, going, going, instant gratification, and having our needs met quickly and easily. Now with a breastfeeding newborn we must pause frequently and stop and sit sometimes for hours at a time fitting everything else in our daily life around sustaining them moment to moment. While this is the most difficult thing I believe it is also one of the most important aspects of breastfeeding and gifts of motherhood. It’s a moms first big experience of true self-giving and an understanding that life is now about something greater than yourself. Through the infants need for that constant physical connection grows an amazing psychological, spiritual connection between you and your child. A bond unlike any other I have experienced, and it provides the security your children so desperately need as they transition from the womb to this overwhelmingly busy world."


Thank you ladies for sharing part of your story with us! It was my honor to photograph each of you, and get to know more about you and your breastfeeding journey. 

Stay tuned this week for more Q&A's with the rest of our lovely mama's! 

Angela Jackson Photography is a McKinney Family Photographer, specializing in family and newborn portraiture. For information on booking and availability, please reach out via the contact page!