What is a Babymoon? A Quick Guide. | Dallas, TX Newborn Photographer


What is a baby-moon and should you be planning one? As a Dallas, TX Newborn Photographer, I usually meet my clients when they're still pregnant. I love hearing about how they plan to spend their last days of "freedom" before they welcome their new bundle of joy. 

A hot new trend that you may have heard of in recent years is the infamous "Baby-Moon". By definition this is a relaxing or romantic vacation taken by parents-to-be before their baby is born.

Sounds pretty simple right? My best advice is to not overcomplicate the end of your pregnancy with an extravagant trip that will leave you feeling stressed out and exhausted! Here's a quick little guide that will help you get the most out of your getaway. 

  • Stay close to home
    Keeping your travel time short and sweet is going to keep you the most comfortable. A 10 hour road trip or a long flight with layovers isn't ideal when you're pregnant, especially if you're further along. Blood clots, swelling, and leg cramps are all things you want to minimize the risk of. You can do this by keeping your blood circulating (i.e. get up and move around every couple of hours!) 

  • Go during your 2nd trimester 
    Plan your trip during the time when you're feeling your best! For most moms that is the 2nd trimester. You've had time to move past the morning sickness and fatigue of your first trimester, but aren't to the super uncomfortable phase of the third trimester. 

  • Get the 411 on available medical care in the area you'll be staying
    Make sure to research medical options before you go. Get referrals for quality OB's in the area, local hospitals etc... Just in case you need care while you're there. (It's not likely, but you'll feel better if you are prepared) 

  • Don't over plan
    The point of this trip is to R-E-L-A-X, especially if you are working until your delivery date. Take this time to really enjoy putting your feet up, spending quality time with your spouse and doing things that make you both feel peaceful and pampered. Have you ever come home from a vacation feeling like you need to recover from your trip? Me too! A baby moon shouldn't be one of those types of trips. Come home feeling rested, energized and ready to nest! 

Have you taken a baby-moon? How was your experience? Would you recommend a baby-moon to your friends? 


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