Fall Mini Sessions | Erwin Park | McKinney Family Photographer

Fall Mini sessions for this McKinney Family Photographer were a blast this year! We met up at Erwin Park early in the fall (which is one of my favorite spots, as you know if you've been following me for any amount of time)

I have some gorgeous clients and am so thrilled to show them off...Each family that I work with is so different from the next and have their own set of unique family dynamics. I love capturing such happy moments between my clients.


High School Senior, Michal

My first session of the weekend was actually not a family, but a high school senior. Michal and I met up through a mutual acquaintance and I had so much fun getting these images created for her senior profile page. She's such a sweet girl and just beautiful inside and out. 


The Cannon Family

Next is the Cannon Family. I've known Stephani since childhood and have loved watching her family grow. Our families go way (way way) back and have seen each other through a lot of ups and downs. It was such a joy getting some great shots of her beautiful kids! 


They weren't completely thrilled about the amount of contact I required between them (heehee!) but they were good sports and you know deep down they love each other! 

I love their colors! Great job on the wardrobe, mom! 

I love their colors! Great job on the wardrobe, mom! 


The Curry Family

The Curry Family is another family that I've known for a few years and am very blessed to call them friends. I captured Anistyn's two year pictures over the summer and was so excited to capture the whole family for their fall family pictures! The boys are smart, polite and ambitious with a passion for inventing things to make the world a better place! Fun fact, Bishop, their oldest son is working towards getting one of his inventions patented; The Oasis is a device meant for preventing hot car deaths among infants and children. To read more about Bishop's story and his invention click here. 


The pond that we were shooting next to was actually really low this year. The boys (and maybe dad too haha) wanted to go down into the dried up pond bed to explore, I followed along with mom and little missy and we actually had fun getting some cute pictures! 


The Okon Family 

The Okons were a returning family from a few years ago. I actually did a session of just the kids back in 2014 when I was first starting out in photography. It was super fun to see them again and see how much the kids had changed and grown. And I really loved that mom and dad were in the pictures this time! April and Thomas are such a beautiful couple and I love the shots of the two of them! 


The bottom left picture was April's idea. She has a similar picture from back when she was pregnant with her youngest and wanted to re-create the moment with both kids. I love it and it turned out to be one of my favorite images from the session! I think the lighting was perfect and just think it's so sweet how sister is looking up at mom and dad. What a fun family! 


Erwin Park never disappoints, and these Fall Mini Sessions were such a fun way to spend the weekend. If you would like a McKinney Family Photographer to capture some moments for you, please contact me and lets get together!