Angela Jackson Photography | McKinney Family Photographer

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Project 365 | Quarterly Update | Melissa, TX Family Photographer

I hope y'all don't mind, but I'm taking the week off from blogging client sessions and doing a personal post!

As a Melissa, TX family photographer I have to admit that in the past I have been guilty of not taking as many images as I should of my own family and kids. This year I decided to try (again) to do a Project 365...which is a picture a day for a full year. In the past, I've started strong, taken a picture a day for about 2 weeks and then fell off the wagon. This year, I haven't taken a picture every single day, but I'm three months in, have shot something MOST days and haven't quit yet, so I call that progress! 

If I can remember to do this, I'd like to blog our documented days about once every 3 months throughout the year. Here are some highlights from 2018's first quarter! 

Many of my images are simple moments at home, playing outside and just being us. Some of them were pre-meditated (to document a specific milestone, and some are special occasion portraits...that's the beauty of a 365, you're really just documenting your life as it comes, however you see fit!) 

I'm already glad that I've decided to do a quarterly blog on these because selecting my images this morning has already brought up some fun memories from the last few months that I had already started to forget about! 

Here's a quick list of what we've been up to this year, which may or may not give a little more meaning to some of these images (if nothing else, for me when I look back on this years from now and possibly wonder..."why did I take a picture of Noah sleeping in his bed? Oh yeah, because we were sleep training and trying to transition out of mom and dads room!") 

First Quarter Highlights: 

  • Geneva turned 7 and got a new handmade dress from our sweet and talented friend Nicki (which she promptly had to try on twirl in!) 
  • Nana came and spent a couple of days with us 
  • Noah transitioned out of our bed and into his own (AND sleeps all night without nursing)
  • We survived winter (our hardest season because we all hate the cold, get major cabin fever and just generally despise the gloomy days and winter illnesses! It was a rough one!) WELCOME SPRING!!
  • Celebrated our Risen Lord for Easter (enjoyed Easter egg hunting, church services and time with family...and took our yearly Easter Portraits :) ) 
  • Turned Noah forward facing in his carseat (hold back on the hate mail please and come clean up his vomit if you want me to turn my car sick toddler back around, k? k!) LOL And he's SO MUCH happier in the car which surely has to be safer for us all (cuz I was about to drive us off a bridge y'all!) 
  • Went to visit our friends near Houston for Spring Break (so fun!) 
  • Have also enjoyed nature walks and hiking on warm days :) 
  • We officially became "Jeep People" when we were blessed to acquire our first Jeep...I think I love it more than my family. (kidding!) But seriously-we all love the Jeep and have had so much fun with it!!

That's our 2018 in a far!! Looking forward to continuing this 365 and hopefully seeing it all the way through. I'll be back to blogging client sessions next week and invite you to contact me if you are in need of a family photographer in the Melissa, TX area!